Smarter Monitoring And Auditing For More Effective Implementation

This course explores advancements in data collection, monitoring, and auditing techniques to ensure project compliance and effective decision-making. Learn to leverage data to determine project impacts, assess the effectiveness of environmental and social management plans, and develop robust monitoring and auditing programs.

Presented by:Charlotte Bingham (USA), Bryony Walmsley (South Africa) & Defne Arisoy (Turkey)

Course level:  Intermediate/Advanced

Language of delivery: English       

Prerequisites: Knowledge of the ESIA process, including the formulation of Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs), and some experience with project monitoring or auditing    

Homework between sessions: Reading the case study before the 2 group work sessions (about 30 minutes)  

Upcoming Course

7, 8, 10, 11 October | 15:00-18:30 UTC

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