Effective Project Level Grievance Mechanisms in a Changing Landscape: An Interactive Tool
Presenter: Elizabeth Mensah
Recorded: 11 June 2020
This 1-hour presentation provided participants with practical and adaptable tools for Grievance Mechanisms (GRM). It did so by showcasing CAO’s online and interactive GRM toolkit (https://www.cao-grm.org/) which was developed particularly for small to medium sized operations across multiple sectors. Recognizing that guidance around GRMs has focused predominantly on larger companies, often in the extractives sector, this toolkit has been designed to focus on some of the key challenges that companies with small margins and limited resources may have in establishing and maintaining a trusted grievance mechanism. It also provides tools for specialists in the field to run quick diagnostics on the health of a grievance mechanism, as well as practical examples of why grievance mechanisms are a good investment – no matter the business. The interactive, adaptable, and web-based nature of the toolkit makes it especially relevant in current Covid-19 crisis where companies and assessors need to be able to be agile and responsive to rapidly changing contexts. Presenters: This webinar was presented by Elizabeth Mensah & Julia Gallu, Advisories, Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO). It was offered in conjunction with IAIA’s Washington Area Branch (WAB) which is chaired by Ariel Cuschnir and Debra Zanewich.