
Improving Decision-Making for the Energy Transition: Guidance for using Strategic Environmental Assessment

The Annexes for this publication include the following:

  • Annex 1: Tools for stakeholder engagement and consultation
  • Annex 2: Outline terms of reference for an SEA
  • Annex 3: PPP screening form
  • Annex 4: List of issues to be covered by an SEA report
  • Annex 5: Example review of PPPs relevant to the Preliminary SEA of Bhutan’s Road Sector Master Plan (2007-2027)
  • Annex 6: Overview of selected analytical and decision-making tools for an SEA
  • Annex 7: Example of objectives compatibility analysis: Compatibility of objectives for Poole Port Masterplan (UK) against environmental and social quality objectives
  • Annex 8: Developing SEA environmental and socio-economic quality objectives, indicators and targets
  • Annex 9: Developing scenarios
  • Annex 10: Consolidated checklist for the quality assurance, review, and performance evaluation of a comprehensive SEA
  • Annex 11: Trend analysis
  • Annex 12: Analytical methods that can be used in an SEA
  • Annex 13: Comparative assessment of growth scenarios assessments in Bangladesh (rated with and without mitigation measures)
  • Annex 14: Checklist questions for assessing significance of impacts
  • Annex 15: The role of a Strategic Environmental and Social Management Plan (SESMP)
  • Annex 16: List of issues to be covered by a Strategic Environmental and Social Management Plan (SESMP)
  • Annex 17: International and regional organizations concerned with renewable energy
  • Annex 18: Sensitivity mapping for Chobe Forest Reserve, Botswana
  • Annex 19: Definitions of terms
  • Annex 20: SEAs supporting PPPs in the energy sector and multi-sector plans with an important (renewable) energy component
  • Annex 21: The role of spatial planning frameworks for renewable energy planning
  • Annex 22: Relations between sector plans and national energy plans
  • Annex 23: The Netherlands: Onshore wind development supported by SEA, an example of tiering
  • Annex 24: International power planning: The Energy Union’s National Energy and Climate Plans
  • Annex 25: Key decisions in energy sector plans and key issues in associated SEAs for energy plans
  • Annex 26: Key decisions and key issues in an SEA for multi-sector plans relevant to energy interests
  • Annex 27: Selecting energy sector plans for an SEA
  • Annex 28: SEA of National Power Development Plan, Vietnam
  • Annex 29: SEA supporting Regional Energy Strategies, The Netherlands
  • Annex 30: SEA for the Quang Nam Hydropower Plan, Vietnam
  • Annex 31: SEA of Hydropower Plan on Azad-Jammu-Kashmir State, Pakistan
  • Annex 32: SEA for wind and solar spatial plan, South Africa
  • Annex 33: SEA and integrated river basin plan for Upper Nyabarongo Basin, Rwanda
  • Annex 34: SEA supporting hydropower planning in the River Ganges upper basin
  • Annex 35: SEA supporting Maritime Spatial Plan and Offshore Renewable Energy Plan, Ireland
  • Annex 36: EU requirements for National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAP) and National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP)