Health Wellbeing and Gender Impacts HIA of a Night Time Economy Framework

Presenter: Liz Green

Recorded: 15 February 2018
How has Health Impact Assessment (HIA) added value to the night time economy (NTE)? What are the health impacts of the NTE, and what groups are affected?  Many of these impacts are sex/gender-related and are surprising in several respects. This webinar used a case study from the Welsh Government to discuss stakeholder perspectives and recommendations; how the safeguarding of NTE participants has been enhanced; and how the HIA has provided insight to the Welsh Government to revise the NTE and clearly articulate the key groups who would be affected and the potential consequences for them. This 45-minute webinar would be of interest to environmental health practitioners as well as those involved with criminal justice, public safety, public health, economic development, and land use planning development. The presenter, Liz Green, leads the Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU).  She is a Registered UK Public Health Specialist, Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health and Accredited Member of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health. Liz has extensive knowledge, understanding and practical application of health impact assessment (HIA) and provides training and lectures about the process.  She has worked on, advised or quality assured approximately 300 HIAs of varying strategic levels, complexity and topics. HIA is used to support a ‘Health in All Policies’ (HiAP) approach to policy making and sustainable development and much of the work Liz has led takes place in planning, housing, regeneration, and energy sectors.  This includes high profile, politically contentious energy developments and extraction schemes and national and regional government policies and HIAs. Liz presents at national and international fora including the International Impact Assessment Association (IAIA) conferences, the European Public Health Association conference and the Faculty of Public Health in the UK.