PSIA Questions and Answers Part 2

Presenter: Michael Edelstein

Recorded: 19 July 2017

List of PSIA questions with time stamps

This is part two of a previous webinar on psycho-social impact assessment to address the large number of questions Michael didn’t have time to get to during the initial webinar.

Presenter Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D. has been doing PSIA since the 1970’s, preparing research and expert testimony for administrative hearings and toxic tort litigation and to influence government policy and practice. He has focused on human impacts from exposure to environmental contamination and significant environmental degradation, including siting of hazardous facilities. He has worked on such diverse issues as nuclear waste disposal, tar sands upgrading and gas extraction, nuclear disaster, community contamination and the Aral Sea disaster. Since 1974, Edelstein has been Professor of Environmental Psychology at Ramapo College of New Jersey where he regularly courses on EIA. He has been President of the NGO, Orange Environment, Inc., since 1982.